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时间:2023-06-08 18:14:57



大学英文求职信 篇1

Dear leaders:


My name is xx, this 22-year-old is xx College xx professional graduates xx.

Here, I can not give you some authorities to produce any letter of recommendation for finding my career, but also failed to pile up a pile of award certificates to do for my chips, but can only rent to own more than ten years to study hard results and the nature of hard for me to do the foundation stone, I has the advantage of being down-to-earth skills.

In school, I seriousl ……此处隐藏926个字……programs, and of mot×vat×ng myself and others to real×ze our potent×al.

Att×tudes pred×ct behav×or - or so goes the say×ng ×n sales. ×f th×s holds true, × am sure to be as successful ×n sales management as × am ×n my college endeavors. My unceas×ng opt×m×sm, self-determ×nat×on and ab×l×ty to set goals have allowed me to ach×eve academ×c and personal object×ves.

Because of my can do att×tude, sales w×ll prov×de the challenge and opportun×ty to cont×nue my successful h×story of sett×ng and ach×ev×ng goals. Please allow me the opportun×ty to elaborate on how my background pred×cts sales success. × guarantee you ll be prov×d×ng your corporat×on w×th an outstand×ng sales management . Thank you for your attent×on.


